The curriculum of the Living and Learning school reflects ecological and social principles and practices in keeping with the mission of the Daajing Giids Youth Education Society. A theme study approach allows the children to learn in an integrated manner that focuses on skill acquisitions, creativity, environmental awareness and problem solving. Small, multi-age classes and individual curriculum adaptations ensure that children experience academic success.
While academic skills are of high priority at the Living and Leaning school we believe it is equally our responsibility to teach life skills and to nurture attitudes of respect, self-esteem and values that will ensure the students live positive and productive lives as they grow older.
The curriculum of Living and Learning school meets the BC Ministry of Education curriculum guidelines and is approved by the Ministry. The principal is ultimately responsible for the quality of the curriculum and its ability to meet the objectives as described in the Living and Leaning school Mission Statement, and the learning objectives of the Ministry of Education. The specifics of the curriculum are developed by the teaching staff in consultation with the parents and students. Within the broader curriculum, student learning is individualized to the interests, learning styles and skill levels of each student.
The Living and Learning School practices inclusive education and always tries to accommodate students with special needs. The school is eligible for Special Education Funding from the Ministry of Education for students with special needs and may be able to support students with a variety of services including but not limited to developing individual education plans and hiring extra Support Staff.
The Independent School Act requires our school to have BC certified teachers.
Classroom sessions are from 8:45 am to 3:15 pm, Monday to Thursday. Attendance is required on some Fridays throughout the year (usually one per month).